How do I do this? Research, of course!
LOTS of research.
Fitting. The only thing in peril is my sanity... and my grades, I guess...
So naturally, when it comes to WH40K, a hobby that is as vast as is as expensive, then you must do research, research, research! Blogs, videos, tutorials, gimme 'em all! I want to be prepared once the guys and girls come to my posession!
One of them was Standard Template Construct's Building an army the HOTpanda way, and it talked about six important pillars for him about building an army. And really, I couldn't agree with this flammable ursidae person more. In fact, I think I applied it unconsciously before that article was written.
So, in honor of said article, I'm going to post what are going to be my six pillars:
Step #1: THEME - Madoka Magica theme.
As I've said before, I found inspiration from my favorite series ever.
Aww, look at this pretty little Archon-in-potential girl~
It's a series I enjoy so much, that I wanted to "honor" it becoming part of my army. Of course, I wouldn't be doing it if it didn't properly fit one way or another. No matter how you stretch it, a K-On! themed Chaos army doesn't really do justice. I'm not that obtuse. =P
Why? Well, if you've seen the series, you know it's not that rose-colored. Besides, if you really dig it up enough, you'll see that almost all of the animation done is filled with symbolism, especially the Witches personal space (evil-doers, so to speak). And with a correct application, it can transport it to the grimdarky world of 40K. And that's another reason I chose Dark Eldar. Space Marines are all for justice and such, and MadoMagi's justice part is well, pink-colored. It's the counterpart that makes the series flourish, and so it will my army. Hopefully.
And given that I'm a zealot for this series, and revere Madokami as much as a Space Marine reveres the Emperor of Mankind, it's gonna be a total pleasure working on the army, making it less of a chore.
Step #2: PLAY STYLE - Quick Aggro Strike
Again, covered it before. I like to put seemingly-fragile things on the board, that, when combined, they strike early and pack a punch, if not flat out destroy the opponent.
It's a little "Swing like a butterfly, sting like a bee" philosophy. Only that we get to replace bees with hornets. Pesky, ouchy hornets.
No, hornet. Yours is not a good color scheme for Dark Eldar. Shoo.
If you see me playing, you know that you wish to take your games against me to drag it longer, or else you get punched in the face. Also, I'm not good at games that are very tight-locked in positions.
If you're a chess savvy person, you can understand it this way: Italian aperture? Sicilian? Screw that, eat Fegatello, eat Evans. Open the freaking field wide, don't lock me. Let's exchange stuff and see how it goes.
Step #3: LIST BUILDING - Following other Dark Eldar players
This part is pretty simple. Dark Eldar are not an army to make mistakes on the field, so some research is needed to know what the people play, or if it's gonna be effective.
Thankfully, The Dark City was a one-stop for all your Dark Eldar advice. There are some really REALLY great posts about everything. Of course, I checked the lists and the always useful Plastikente's analysis on the units.
What I concluded is this:
-Almost all the combinations use at least 1 battleforce. Let's get on with it then.
-Use Warriors and Wyches! Wyches with Haywire Grenades are really good against vehicles.
-Transport. All of 'em. No walking.
-The reavers are awesome when turbo-boosting
-A flyer wouldn't hurt, but that's for very much later.
-The wracks are looking good.
-HQ goes for Archon and Haemonculus with its sweet Liquifier Gun and Shattershard.
So, battleforce, yep. Further on, I'll try proxying the lists to see how they fare in combat.
Step #4: COLOR SCHEME - On the works....
I say on the works, but currently we have this little prototype.
(PD: Blame for the screwy recolor tool :P)
Heavily inspired by many Kriemhild Gretchen images out there, as well as one where she has some Kamen Rider-esque armor that looks like a Kabalite armor, I decided to give it a magenta highlight. The shoulder pads (marble-ish) and the hair (purple-ish) is still up to discussion. What do you think?
This part is crucial, for I need to be completely satisfied with the color scheme. Otherwise, it'll make me go sad, and you don't want me to be sad, right? =(
Step #5: BUILDING THE ARMY - Waiting....
Waiting for this sweet thing to arrive.
Oh Army Painter~
I was recommended via The Dark City that The Army Painter had a pretty good Primer and paints. However, this is a hobby that uses lots of stuffs to be creative and careful. And given that I'm a maniac, I didn't really want anything to be left out.
Then this came, and oh joy. PURCHASED.
Sure, it doesn't have lots of paints, but I don't care, I'll figure it out or I'll buy some Citadel on the store, but I've got the basics covered!
Even bases! Oh god the bases....
And after this, comes Dark Eldar Battleforce, and so on, and so on...
Step #6: FLUFF - Madoka Magica referenced
On this particular point, I have to thank my friends over IRC for helping me with this point.
I'm gonna expand this point on further posts, but suffice to say, I've read the Dark Eldar codex and fluff, to avoid contradictions/Mary Sue-ing my path out of this.
Basically, it will work like this:
This particular Kabal not only takes pleasure in harming and maiming the body, but also the mind and the soul. Hence, the Archon and her subordinates take inmense pleasure in extending the torment for as long as possible, to watch their faces filled with despair and grief. Moreover, this Kabal devotes its time to further extend the torment when the victim's body is rendered useless, so you can see them experiment with Soultraps, the Archon's favorite weapon. This Kabal welcomes anyone who wants to enjoy further on this different kind of enjoyment.
The Kabal of the Grieving Soul awaits....
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